1. Organize as needed

Tidying up all the pots in one place, the pans in another and the lids in yet another is not always the best choice. As well as keeping the most used seasonings inside the cupboard, perhaps at an awkward height.

Identify which cooking products and Utensils you use the most during the week and store them in an easy-to-reach spot in the kitchen . Furthermore, the condiments should not be hidden inside some wall unit: salt, oil, pepper and sugar are more comfortable on the worktop or in an open compartment near where you cook.

2. Use containers

In some ways it might seem like uneconomical advice: why should you use jars when most food is sold already packaged?

Primarily to preserve them better, preventing the air from deteriorating them or breaking the contents inside (think, for example, of biscuits). Secondly, to always have the available quantity of each food (such as pasta or rice) in front of your eyes and know exactly when you need to go shopping.

3. Get rid of tools you no longer use

Do you really need to keep that juicer you haven't used for 10 years in the cupboard? Or that chipped oven dish whose sole purpose is to collect dust? The answer is clear.

During the next cleaning of the kitchen furniture, remove all those products that are no longer needed because they are broken or damaged.

4. Choose small cordless appliances

Let's face it, organizing the cables inside the cupboard sometimes gets really annoying, especially when they are very long. With Avantspace small appliances you avoid the root problem: no cables, no boredom. And you can use them on every kitchen worktop, in complete freedom.

5. Check deadlines often

When organizing the kitchen, you don't have to think only of pots and pans, but also of food. Try to always keep perishable products ahead of others, so you can check the label and expiration easily. You will avoid so much waste!
